Introduction of membrane materials-Shanghai Huaxi Membrane Structure Engineering Co., Ltd.


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Introduction of membrane materials

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ETFE membrane material

Characteristics of ETFE Film Materials:
Ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer, abrasion resistance, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, insulation, high safety materials. Ultra light weight: thin and light film. It has superior seismic resistance and convenient construction. Good durability: Climate adaptability: - 200 - 150 degrees Celsius, more than 15 years of bad weather, mechanical and optical properties remain unchanged.
Tensile property is good: breaking elongation is over 300%. High safety: flame retardant material, shrinkage after melting but no droplets. In case of fire, it is less harmful, hail climate, even if the glass is broken, ETFE only leaves small dents. Surface is very smooth, excellent self-cleaning performance, dust, dirt with the rain wash away. Colour adjustable: The transmittance can be adjusted by dotting and adding color.

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